
Dying Brown and Green Eggs

Which Ever you celebrate, Easter or Ostara, you likely will have children who want to dye eggs. Well, we certainly do! Even my older kids love dying eggs. I always enjoyed it with them. It’s tradition and has nothing to do with Age.

With that said, Here’s my Kitchen counter… A mess in the making.


Notice the Green Eggs and the Different Browns? They All Dye Lovely Colors!

This year I went ahead and snapped some before and after photos. If your kids want to know if dying the brown eggs are possible, then you know the answer and have the proof! YES! And HOW!

If you notice all the different color of eggs, they are as varied as the hens who lay them. Light Brown, Medium Brown, Tan, Beige, Greens in many different shades. They are perfect as they are, but I like the funky colors. Yes, I do.

However, here’s a photo of a collection of hen eggs from the  nests, complete with feather.












We used two types of dye. Yes, it’s the bottle kind from the store. Sorry lovelies… I am a color nut and wanted some really hot wild colors.

The lighting isn’t good. I apologize.  Look at those colors! Wowzers!!

The top egg was a light Green (yes it faded in the photo, but it’s green). Then a medium Tan one under it. The bottom row was produced from a darker brown egg. Still a LOVELY rendition of colors. I’m always so elated at the Spring Green color. It’s just good for my soul. Each egg will produce a different shade of the same color. It is unlikely you will have repeat colors of the exact hues. Check out that Olive!

Well, every year we find new colors and new ways to play with colored eggs and here’s the ending result.  – Happy Easter to you all.  I missed Ostara… Sorry about that, but Happy SPRING to you!

The Chicken Mom – Gin

2 responses to “Dying Brown and Green Eggs

  1. Wow! I’ve not seen those neon dyes before but your eggs are gorgeous!!

  2. Hi KDKH!! :o) They carry the Neon in Wal-Mart or Publix, I’m not sure what stores you have near you. – They are not all Neon dye. Some of them are just standard primary colors of no-name brand dye. – It’s such fun! Thanks for the check in!

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